Sunday, November 15, 2009

Prostitution Challenge

One blue law that just seems to linger on is the legal prohibition against prostitution.

Here are two scenarios to consider.

Scenario A – An adult man meets an adult woman in a hotel lobby. They have a few drinks and go to his hotel room and have sex.

Scenario B- An adult man meets an adult woman in a hotel lobby. They have a few drinks and go to his hotel room and have sex. After they have sex, the man gives the woman an envelope containing some money.

The man and woman in Scenario B run a very realistic risk of being thrown in jail for violating laws prohibiting prostitution. The only difference between Scenario A and Scenario B is that in Scenario B, money was exchanged between the two parties.

Here is the challenge:

Can you name any activity, that would otherwise be legal, that is made illegal simply due to the fact that money or something else of value is exchanged?

If you can think of one, please leave a comment. If you can't think of one, then why is prostitution singled out as the only crime that is made illegal simply by virtue of money changing hands?


  1. it would be legal if the government made money off of it! the fact is, there are plenty of dates i've had where at some point it occurred to me that i'd be better off with the cash he's spending on dinner trying to impress me than the endless droning on of some idiot who thinks i want to hear his life story. that being said, it's the only industry, yes INDUSTRY, that finances make illegal. it comes down to our puritanical patriarchal society... prostitution implies empowerment of a woman, a man isn't taking it or conquering anything so it HAS to be wrong. as women we aren't supposed to get anything real out of the deal of sex, just supposed to be at a beckon call and available when it's demanded. SCREW THAT! <3

  2. Wow! That is the first time that I have ever heard a woman put it in terms of male dominated power dynamics. Female empowerment.

    You hit the nail on the head. If a woman gets anything out of the deal, it becomes wrong.

    Awesome comment. Thanks!!!

  3. Kimberly Lewis-FletcherNovember 17, 2009 at 11:19 AM

    Giving away one of your organs..Legal
    Selling one of your organs..Illegal
    Unless your rich, then you can do whatever you want, including hookers, oh I mean escorts.

  4. Kim,

    I owe you $20. That is an excellent answer. Any other takers?

    And, on the subject, do you agree with it being illegal to sell your organs? Just curious...

  5. why is it we can't sell our organs but we can be paid for blood plasma? is it because we can simply make more? the liver regenerates itself, why couldn't i potentially sell a section of it off every couple of years and while contributing to the quality of life of another existant i could live comfortably? they're harvesting skin from cadavars and pigs to help heal burns and the like, why couldn't they perform lipo or gastric bypass on morbidly obese, at risk of death people and surgically remove the left over skin and use that and pay the patients by the inch for their skin? it could go towards buying a new wardrobe for their new bodies! there ya go... 2 birds, one stoned. just another example of the closed-mindedness of our society. some may look at my post and say "eww... that is SO wrong!" but ask yourself this... "why do you believe that way?" &

  6. This whole question over the illegality of selling one's own organs has inspired me to write a post dedicated to just that. Stay tuned for more.


Let's have your $.02!